Baptist Heart & Vascular Institute Research
Latest Research:
June 2019
The research department is currently conducting a trial with a type 2 diabetes drug versus placebo in patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. Earlier trials demonstrated that the study drug when given in addition to standard of care treatment in high cardiovascular risk patients with type 2 diabetes reduced the risk of cardiovascular death by 38% and cardiovascular death or hospitalization for heart failure by 34%. To evaluate the effect in heart failure patients, type 1/type 2 diabetics, pre-diabetics and non-diabetics will be included in the trial. Data in non-diabetics is limited, however, no specific safety concerns were identified and no occurrence of symptomatic hypoglycemia was detected. Eligible subjects must have an ejection fraction of ≤ 40% and have been diagnosed with chronic heart failure for at least three months.
If you would like further information about our research program, please call 850-484-6690.