Champion Daniel Spreads Mental Health Awareness Using Artistic Talents

Daniel Andreu is a champion for mental health awareness and uses artistic talents to connect community to resources.

Daniel Andreu, community liaison with Baptist Behavioral Health, is passionate about mental health awareness and sharing resources for help. His role puts him in the region serving those in need.

Beyond his duties and profession, Daniel spends his free time using his artistic abilities to help uplift others and let them know they are not alone.

Daniel created a powerful image that helped a local business create a place of comfort for those who need healing. Last summer, Daniel had a heartfelt, open conversation with Kelly and Mike, owners of Drowsy Poet on Navy Blvd, in Pensacola. Kelly and Mike wanted to bring awareness to mental health issues in a bold and creative way. To foster hope, they envisioned a mural symbolizing connection and support. Daniel brought their vision to life through the mural he created.

Mural of mental health images and awareness and to call or text 988 to help.

The mural features a person grappling with mental health challenges, incorporating words like OCD, depression, anxiety, and bipolar. This Drowsy Poet’s drive-through now serves as a reminder to those passing by that they are not alone. Careful details were put into the art. Wrapped around the building is a coffee plant, symbolizing interconnectedness and the seeds of hope planted in one another. To further support that cause, the mural prominently displays the 988 number which offers crisis counseling to anyone in need. A simple text or call to this number can connect individuals with the help and support they require.

Mural on mental health and suggestion to call or text 988 for help.

Mike and Kelly reported that since Daniel completed the mural, they have experienced a greater response than anticipated. People who have seen the mural are coming in and sharing stories related to their struggles with mental health issues. Support groups have been developed and meet regularly at the café, and they are now setting up training courses with others in the community to provide mental health first aid. Mike stated that they have helped countless people since it is seen by so many in the community as a safe space. Other businesses are speaking up and asking about how they can help as well.

For these reasons and many more, Daniel was awarded a Baptist Champion Award for his efforts in helping people in the community and connecting businesses to resources so that they can help others as well.

Daniel Andreu is recognized as a Champion at Baptist.

Thank you, Daniel, for living The Baptist Way and for all you do to champion for mental health well-being!

This is The Baptist Way and what makes our culture unique. Often our Champions become Legends.

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