Nurses Week and Baptist Nursing Achievements

Baptist Health Care nurses are dedicated to our Mission of helping people throughout life’s journey. In honor of National Nurses Week, we highlight their recent accomplishments:
· Baptist’s Nursing Community of Practice governs by councils. These nine councils and three boards are currently operating and making an impact: Health and Wellness, Professional Development, Nursing Research, Quality, Professional Practice, Patient Care Leadership, Clinical Informatics and Technology, The Coordinating Council, Night Shift and Unit-Based Councils, Behavioral Health Nursing Board, Perioperative/Periprocedural Board and Nursing Peer Review Board.
· The Coordinating Council implemented the GIFT (Give Information for Transformation) program. 154 GIFTS were received and discussed since the program began.
· The Health and Wellness Council hosted several educational events and displays to improve the health of team members. They coordinated a farmer’s market, held a ribbon cutting for a one-mile indoor/outdoor walking path and held a team member health and wellness fair.
· The Honor Guard, developed by the Health and Wellness Council, pays tribute to fallen nurses who have dedicated their lives to the profession of nursing.
· The Nursing Research Council held a "sacred cow roundup" to discover longstanding practices that may no longer be a best practice.
· The Professional Practice Council implemented bandless allergies, hourly rounding on the 3 West unit of Baptist Hospital and a communication tool called IPASS that refers to (I)= illness severity, (P)=patient summary, (A)= action list, (S)= situation awareness and (S)= synthesis by receiver that is now being used at bedside handoff.
· The Professional Development Council developed the Be Your Own Hero stories to recognize and honor fellow nurses for achievements and education.
· The Quality Council launched the DAISY award to recognize extraordinary nurses for their compassion and care. We are proud to honor our nurses in this way.
· The Patient Care Leadership Council provides an interdisciplinary forum for collaboration between all nursing councils to gain guidance with initiatives.
· The Clinical Informatics and Technology Council is researching preferred methods of team member communication and developing the use of simulation lab for information technology equipment.
· The Nurse Residency Program has had seven cohorts and 82 nurse residents since it began.
Thank you to our Baptist nurses for the extraordinary work you do and the ways you continually make a positive impact! Happy Nurses Week!
Learn more about nursing opportunities at Baptist.