Treatment Options

Advances in technology have led to new, state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options at Baptist Speech Clinic.


Allows your physician to better visualize movement and function of the vocal cords by taking pictures of your vocal cords vibrating while you say “eeee.” The procedure involves placing a small lens attached to a scope toward the back of the mouth. The resulting video shows the structure of the cords and how well they move.

Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP)

The TEP is a surgically created hole, known as a stoma, between the trachea and esophagus. A prosthesis is a one-way valve that opens to direct air from the lungs into the esophagus to produce sound when the stoma is covered. The speech language pathologist will assist in developing oral communication after the physician advises that the healing after surgery is sufficient.


Neuro-muscular electrical stimulation is a non-invasive treatment for swallowing problems that is showing promising results. Recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), electrodes are placed on the throat or the face for direct muscular stimulation, often combined with traditional swallowing therapy.

Modified barium swallow

A patient’s swallowing of food and liquids is viewed under X–ray by the radiologist and speech pathologist. This is the swallowing evaluation recommended for VitalStim® candidates.