Baptist VOICES In Action: P.J. Germain

P.J. Germain, known only as Phillip Joseph to his mother (when he is in trouble), is the learning management system (LMS) administrator and Cornerstone education coordinator. At Baptist Health Care, P.J. helps train team members in Cornerstone, assisting all licensed members with their license requirements.
Before working at Baptist P.J. worked in law enforcement and did global government work, living in many places before returning to Pensacola to help care for family. He said his transition to Baptist was seamless and comfortable because he shares the same core values.
“I grew up in the church. I went to Catholic school and knew early on that I wanted to help and protect others. These are core values that my parents instilled into me at a young age. My mother is Filipino and was quite strict about being compassionate and going above and beyond the normal expectations. My father is retired military and we were quite poor starting out. He always said, regardless of what you have, the most important thing is your word. Stand up for what you believe in; be kind and always move forward helping whomever you can along the way. I have helped handicapped children when I was younger and feel a special connection to them. I have changed a tire for a complete stranger more times than I can count. I have also delivered a baby in the back of a cruiser. I have saved others, but simply was in the right place at the right time and feel blessed that I could lend a hand.”
Here are five fun facts about P.J.:
- He’s proud to wear Baptist blue because he sees optimism and enthusiasm every day that inspires him to go the extra mile.
- He’s grateful that his team laughs at his jokes and supports each other even during high-pressure, stressful times.
- His grandfather was half Cherokee. “When he danced, it just got really cloudy.”
- “Although I’m a geek, I don’t wear glasses or have a pocket protector. I enjoy breaking that stereotype.”
- His best project so far has been “the LMS transition from Healthstream to Cornerstone which required months of preparation and training but was worth the flexibility and new engaging content.”
Thank you, P.J., for your humor and for living our Values and helping to carry out our Mission.