Mindy Hodges, Labor and Delivery Nurse, Honored With DAISY Award

Mindy Hodges, R.N., a labor and delivery nurse at Baptist was recognized for a DAISY Award for her actions by a new mom who had a baby.
The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day. This recognition program is a meaningful way of expressing personal, heartfelt appreciation to nurses for the important difference they make in all the lives they touch.
Here's what that patient wrote in and said about Mindy which earned her this DAISY Award:
"After nine months of the most difficult pregnancy I’ve endured (my 3rd baby), Mindy was everything I needed during my labor. My son was over ten pounds, and by the grace of God, was delivered naturally (vaginally). What appeared to be a normal induction quickly turned into an emergency when he became stuck due to shoulder dystocia.
Mindy was right there with me while my doctor and the charge nurse saved my son’s life. With limited time to get him out, Mindy acted quickly with each directive given to her by my doctor. She promptly and repeatedly radioed for the other necessary doctors, but most importantly to me, she was right by my side, encouraging me in the moments before and during the emergency.
After having cared for me all day leading up to the scariest moment of my life, her familiar face and voice were vital to my bravery. After delivery, Mindy hugged me and offered more emotional support. She was amazing every step of the way, and I am thankful that God had placed her as my nurse that day.
Mindy is kind, informative, and no-nonsense when needed. She doesn’t sugarcoat or glamorize the process of labor—she is realistic but caring. The world needs more nurses like her, and after delivering three babies at different hospitals, I can positively say that she is the best, and she is here at Baptist Hospital! Please consider Mindy for the DAISY Award."
Mindy was honored by her labor and delivery team for this DAISY Award. We thank the patient for recognizing Mindy as an outstanding, compassionate nurse who lives The Baptist Way every day and in every encounter.
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