Simplify Your Life

When unfavorable outdoor conditions occur, it can be a great time to declutter. Baptist Health Care offers tips to help simplify your life. We hope these suggestions can be applied at work and at home for more simple and joyful living.
They include:
1. It’s OK to Say “No” Sometimes.
You may be a person always willing to help out others. However there will be times when it’s OK to say “no” to friends and family so that you don’t overextend yourself in trying to be helpful. You can offer an alternative response or propose another option that better suits your time and goals. Remember to make time to care for yourself so that you can continue caring for others. Read our self-care tips for better well-being.
2. A Little Prep Goes A Long Way.
How often do you find yourself without a prepared lunch or with a pile of dirty clothes? When you wake up realizing this, it can send your whole day into a stressful rush and panic. Try doubling a meal and packing multiple lunches for the week. Pick out clothes ahead of time to ensure you have enough to get through the week before laundry must be done. It’s good to leave room for impromptu lunches with a friend or co-worker, but doing a small bit of prep work can go a long way for mental and physical health. It can help you save money, too. Baptist Health Care’s My Healthy Blueprint team offers resources in menu planning and meal preparation that could make your life easier.
3. Spend Time Wisely.
Our time in life is limited and often, we may put off things until the future. We may say we will take the class later or start that project in a few months when there’s more time. However, think of the time-wasting things you do during the day. Are you mindlessly scrolling through social media when you’re in between tasks? Instead, make every minute count or schedule time to relax and do the things that are important to you – exercising, reading, learning a new skill or being with friends.-- then set reminders to do them. End your day with a thankful prayer or meditation to help you sleep instead of checking your cell phone one last time.
Think about other areas of your life where you can make small steps to achieve greater efficiency. Make a list of things you can eliminate and replace with a healthier, more mindful habit to simplify your life and make it more fulfilling. Talk with your primary care physician on ways you can eliminate stress in your life by booking an appointment using