Articles by Category

parents and kids health

Back to School Health

Help kids be more mindful in physical, social and mental health this school year.

Fall Summer Family Care Parents and Kids Health Community

Learn the Signs of Child Abuse So You Can Speak Up

1 in 5 children experience child abuse by age 18. Help this statistic go down by learning the signs of abuse so you can speak up.

Parents and Kids Health Safety Community

Faith Health Network Enhances Health Access

Social, spiritual bonds are linked to better health, and that's why Baptist offers the Faith Health Network.

Body and Wellness Family Care Women's Health Community Parents and Kids Health

Annual Health and Wellness Exam – What You Can Expect

See a doctor each year and take a proactive approach to health, rather than waiting for a problem to occur.

Body and Wellness Screenings Family Care Parents and Kids Health Women's Health

Allergies vs. Colds - Knowing the Differences

Can you tell the difference between allergies vs. colds? Read tips on the type you may have and when to contact a doctor for relief.

Spring Body and Wellness Family Care Common Cold Parents and Kids Health

Human Trafficking Awareness

Learn the symptoms and red flags for potential human trafficking cases. Share these tips to save lives.

Community Parents and Kids Health Safety

Prevent Germs at School

Germs spread quickly in our community at school. These tips will help students, parents and teachers be more defensive against germ spreading.

Germ prevention Parents and Kids Health Body and Wellness Family Care