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Year 2019

Recipe: Turkey, Bean and Cabbage Soup

Try this hearty and healthy soup to warm you up.


Healthy Holiday Gift Giving Ideas

Give the gift of health this holiday season. Here are 15 gift ideas.

Holiday Health Personal Development Body and Wellness Family Care Goals

Alzheimer's Disease and Brain Health

Boost your brain health to help prevent Alzheimer's Disease with these five tips.

Body and Wellness Head Family Care Neurology

Mindful Eating

Follow these tips to be more mindful while eating and having a healthy attitude about food.

Holiday Health Nutrition Body and Wellness

Tips for Healthier Tailgating

Don't let football season get you out of shape while you tailgate. These healthier ways to eat will support you during game season.

Fall Nutrition Seasons and Weather Body and Wellness Personal Development Goals

Navigating a Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Rachel's Story

Four words that can change your life in an instant are “You have breast cancer.” Baptist can help you navigate this journey.

Body and Wellness Screenings Cancer Women's Health

Faith Health Network Enhances Health Access

Social, spiritual bonds are linked to better health, and that's why Baptist offers the Faith Health Network.

Body and Wellness Family Care Women's Health Community Parents and Kids Health

Recipe: Kid-Friendly Thai Chicken

This peanut butter flavored chicken inspired by Thai cuisine offers a new, healthy variety to children’s plates.


Don’t Let Gout Take You Off Your Feet

Relief is possible for gout. Learn signs and treatment options.

Body and Wellness Family Care Specialties

Ways to Treat Yourself without Food or Money

Reward yourself without turning to food or spending much money with these 11 tips.

Body and Wellness Nutrition Women's Health Community Personal Development

Summer Health Tips

Here are six overall wellness summer tips to help you enjoy the season.

Outdoor Health Summer Exercise Nutrition Hydration

Recipe: Cauliflower Fritters

These fritters are a delicious way to gain the health benefits of cauliflower.


Grilling Safety Tips

Follow these grilling safety tips to have healthy and safe outdoor gatherings.

Outdoor Health Summer Nutrition Safety Community

Recipe: Infused Water Three Ways

Try one of these refreshing combinations of infused water.


What to Eat Before, During and After Exercise

Suggestions from a registered, licensed dietitian for what to eat before, during and after you work out.

Body and Wellness Exercise Nutrition

Recipe: Pizza Zucchini Casserole

Here's a spin on lasagna that gives you that Italian flavor with less calories and more natural ingredients.


Healthier Grocery Shopping

Tips for how to walk around and make better selections from your grocer’s market

Nutrition Family Care Community

Recipe: Mango Salad Dressing

Try this naturally sweet dressing to go over salads and grilled foods.


Baptist Health Care Charts Course for the Future

Learn the past of how Baptist began as a hospital and how it's growing to fit the needs of the communities it serves and beyond.

Body and Wellness Family Care Community Specialties

Recipe: Fruit and Veggie Drink

Sip this delicious drink as another way to get more fruits and vegetables into your day.


Nurses Week and Baptist Nursing Achievements

In honor of National Nurses Week, we highlight Baptist nursing recent accomplishments.

Specialties Community Career and Professional Personal Development

Fight Fatigue - 10 Ways to Be Less Tired

Prolonged fatigue may contribute to medical concerns or conditions. Learn 10 ways to be less tired and wake up more refreshed.

Body and Wellness Family Care Women's Health Sleep and health

Annual Health and Wellness Exam – What You Can Expect

See a doctor each year and take a proactive approach to health, rather than waiting for a problem to occur.

Body and Wellness Screenings Family Care Parents and Kids Health Women's Health

Spring Clean Your Health in Six Steps

These six tips will help put you on the path to a healthy season.

Spring Body and Wellness Family Care Screenings

Recipe: Banana Oatmeal Cookies

Enjoy this no-guilt cookie that is packed with fiber for breakfast or a snack.


Allergies vs. Colds - Knowing the Differences

Can you tell the difference between allergies vs. colds? Read tips on the type you may have and when to contact a doctor for relief.

Spring Body and Wellness Family Care Common Cold Parents and Kids Health

Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Learn symptoms of colorectal cancer and ways to prevent it.

Body and Wellness Screenings Cancer Gastroenterology

Nutrition Importance

The foods we eat make a real difference in our health.

Body and Wellness Nutrition

Recipe: Taco Seasoning

Make your own taco seasoning, and add the flavor to homemade meals.


HR Cares for People Caring for Others

Baptist Health Care HR team cares for others and makes a difference in the community.

Community Career and Professional Personal Development Goals

Making an Impact for Local Athletes and Beyond

Athletic trainers at Andrews Institute help on sidelines, in clinics and in research settings.

Outdoor Health Body and Wellness Rehabilitation Community

Timesaving Healthy Tips for Busy Parents

These tips can help active moms and dads be more heart healthy.

Body and Wellness Exercise Nutrition Family Care Goals

ECMO Saves Lives

ECMO is a treatment that provides short to long-term support for patients with severe conditions of the heart and lungs.

Gulf Coast Healthy Living Heart Specialties

Don't Flutter Around with AFib

Don't ignore heart flutters or fluttering sensations in the throat, neck and chest.

Body and Wellness Heart Specialties Gulf Coast Healthy Living

Recipe: Bean Salad

This versatile recipe is high in fiber and vegetable protein and can easily be added into soups, tacos and sandwiches.


Know Your Options for Breast Cancer Screenings

Early detection is key for the fight against breast cancer. Learn the wide variety of imaging options available to you at Baptist.

Body and Wellness Women's Health Cancer Specialties Screenings

Simplify Your Life

Declutter your life with these tips for more simple, joyful living.

Personal Development Body and Wellness Seasons and Weather Women's Health Goals

Exercise Benefits More Than Just Weight Loss

Many people think exercise only helps in weight loss or maintenance, but it's important to overall health for many reasons. Here's why.

Body and Wellness Exercise Family Care Goals Women's Health

Communication Excellence

Read these tips from Baptist Health Care leaders on how to go from creating good to excellent communication.

Personal Development Attitude Goals Body and Wellness Career and Professional

Recipe: Hummus and Avocado Wraps

This hummus and avocado recipe is a simple way to add fiber and healthy fats to your diet.


Enjoy More Gratitude in the New Year

At Baptist Health Care, we offer these three tips to help you express more gratitude all year long.

Attitude Personal Development Body and Wellness